An itinerant film screening troupe run by a group of writers, filmmakers, editors, workers, critics, and fellow travelers. Our focus is on films “lost in the cosmos” and “found on a scrap heap,” with an eye to curiosity, illumination, and contradiction. We believe in the social art of the cinema, in the relationship between the film and the world. Screenings are organized in the spirit of a public forum (or a public house) and accompanied by program notes, new and archival texts, translations, and other supplementary material.

Founding Members

Graham L. Carter

Andrei Hirschhorn

Edward McCarry

Patrick Preziosi

“Come as you are, don’t expect any transfiguration from the cinema, there will be no aura.”

- Serge Daney

“The future of cinema, like the future of revolution, is extremely uncertain.”

- Shiguéhiko Hasumi

No finis to the film unless

The ending is your own.

Turn off the lights, remind

The operator of his union card:

Sit forward, let the screen reveal

Your heritage, the logic of your destiny.

(‘Subtitle’ by Weldon Kees)